Water Features

There are so many ways to add breathtaking water objects to your front and backyard, and SERA Landscaping is a suitable contractor for this work. Small ponds, water bodies, and even waterfalls are all you need to make your space feel comfortable and calm.

Whether outside your home or your business, pleasant water objects can turn your property into an exotic place to rest! Now the weekend of July spent at home will never be the same again.

We’re working with the best material and we’re using our long experience to help you realize your vision.

Our water projects have transformed the ordinary front yards into the most discussed installation in the neighbourhood. With our creative and dedicated staff, we will create something unique for you and your home.

Frequently Asked Questions

Start to remove the plants from the water and reveal the features of algae, drain all the pumps. To make it safer and more secure, a plastic tarp with water features covers the exterior surface of the well and traps the heat from the elements to protect it. Reassuring the border of tarp trees and large rocks is like grounding during strong winds of weather associated with freezing temperatures

No, our water features, small or large, can be used as maintenance as much as possible to provide the owner of the free water of the features.

In its prerogative the fountain pump runs 24/7. It can turn on/off the pump at the pump station. It is necessary to rotate should not be when the fountain is followed, allocate enough water fountain.